This year we are proud to announce a joint fundraising project with Dr. Lydia Luisa Jennings, Postdoctorial Researcher, to help support the TEK section.
To be completed after your presentation, this form is designed to keep a record of all the presentations conducted by participants of the Transforming Ecology Education to 4D (TEE RCN) faculty ...
In short, it is the responsibility of the applicant to list qualifying coursework. Applicants are encouraged to briefly describe the content of courses in their cover letters to explain why the ...
The George Mercer Award is given for an outstanding ecological research paper published within the past two years by a younger researcher (the lead author of the paper must be 40 years of age or ...
You can review the calls for each type of proposal at the links below. These calls have helpful information about the form requirements and submission guidelines. You can return to a submission to ...
Ecology publishes articles that report on the basic elements of ecological research. Emphasis is placed on concise, clear articles documenting important ecological phenomena. The journal publishes a ...
Ecologists seek to understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the world around them. Collectively, research shows that ecological connections are critical for maintaining ...
The field of ecology has much to offer in addressing pressing ecological problems at all scales. Ecologists working in the private sector (e.g., as consultants, for industry, or in NGOs) and public ...
Excerpt from website: “Metcalf Institute webinars feature leading scientists, policy makers, and communicators in a variety of fields to help news consumers make sense of complex science and ...
In recent decades the ecological sciences have documented numerous examples of disparities in access to natural resources and cases of marginalized communities facing disproportionate exposure to ...
Please note that the electronic registration form has been taken offline and we are no longer accepting printed Meeting Registration Forms or Supplemental Registration Forms. To register or add events ...