Taking on something new is always a challenge. Whether you want to learn to play a musical instrument, bake intricate and delicious pastries, or shape wood into a bowl or cup, there’s a lot of new ...
Many people today are weighed down by the guilt they carry. This is understandable for those who’ve rejected Christ, but Christians have been relieved of their guilt through faith in the Savior. In ...
If you were asked to name influential people, strong individuals with impressive credentials might come to mind. But today’s passage tells us that God has chosen the weak, the base, and the foolish ...
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth with intention and precision. He spoke galaxies into existence, formed mountains and valleys, filled the seas with life, and adorned the earth ...
The apostle Paul had a mindset that Christians are wise to emulate (1 Cor. 11:1). It included: • Humility. Pride can’t exist in the heart of a believer who truly grasps God’s mercy. Paul spread the ...
Prayer is a crucial discipline for believers’ spiritual growth. In fact, it’s difficult to mature in Christ without it, because prayer is how we communicate with God and thereby develop a relationship ...
If you follow Jesus, you have likely heard the phrase “God’s will.” It’s often mentioned in the context of His having a will for each believer—or of our doing His will, walking in His will, and the ...
The most important issue we must settle in this life is our eternal destiny. Throughout history, churches have been composed of both believers and unbelievers, and it’s often difficult to tell the ...
God’s purposes and promises are unchangeable. That’s hard for us to imagine since we live in a world that’s constantly in flux. There doesn’t seem to be much that we can count on to steady our lives.
Knowledge may be a prized commodity in the world, but what the Lord values is wisdom (Prov. 8:11). He wants us to see life from His viewpoint and evaluate everything according to biblical principles.
Several of the gospels mention children coming to Jesus (Matt. 19:13-14; Luke 18:15-17; Mark 10:13-16). Some of them probably climbed onto His lap, while others perhaps sat at His feet. We might ...
Forgiving people who’ve wronged us is a tough command to follow. We naturally want to lash out at those who hurt us. Instead of releasing the offense, we replay the mistreatment, relive the pain, and ...