The monthly salary of a home loan applicant plays a major role in determining their eligibility for total home loan amount. Some lenders consider the gross salary of a home loan applicant while others ...
In India, different states use different land measurement units. This makes land purchase challenging for people who are unfamiliar with the local measurement units. Though the standard units such as ...
Aditya Birla Housing Finance Limited (ABHFL), a subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital Limited, offers Loan Against Property (LAP) at interest rates starting from 8.75% p.a. onwards. Applicants can pledge ...
पिरामल कैपिटल एंड हाउसिंग फाइनेंस लिमिटेड, जिसे पिरामल फाइनेंस के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इस लोन की ब्याज दरें 12.99% से शुरू होती है। यह ...
Monthly Multiplier Scheme (MMS): Interest component is compounded monthly and paid on maturity along with the principal amount Periodic Interest Payment Scheme (PIPS): Interest component is compounded ...
Existing home loan borrowers can approach the branch manager if they are not satisfied with the services provided by the lender. They can fill the complaint form (available in branches or on the ...
*If the borrower fails to pay EMI, Stashfin will charge penal interest on the overdue amount. If the borrower has any pending dues post clearing the monthly EMIs, their NACH mandate is represented ...
Bajaj Housing Finance 8.50% p.a. onwards 8.50% p.a. onwards 8.50% p.a. onwards Check Eligibility SBI 8.50%-9.85% p.a. 8.50%-9.85% p.a. 8.50%-9.85% p.a. Check ...
पीएनबी होम लोन की ब्याज दरें 8.40% प्रति वर्ष से शुरू होती हैं। बैंक लोन राशि, क्रेडिट स्कोर और लोन के प्रकार के आधार पर ब्याज दरें ऑफर ...