RIETI's periodic Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) seminars welcome an array of guest experts to share their research and views. The sessions encourage lively discussion that contributes to dynamic policy-related ...
In order to make public as quickly as possible the results of theoretical research and policy analysis, discussion papers will be posted on our web site. We hope that this will stimulate further ...
The "lost decade" is a term popularly used to describe the Japanese economy of the 1990s, the period following the bursting of the country's economic bubble. Yet even after the problems of ...
China is undergoing a dual transition from a planned to a market economy, and from a traditional agricultural to a modern industrial society. In this column, we examine how this process has come about ...
This study examines the local labor market effects of offshoring on manufacturing activities. One of the contributions of this study is that it develops matched foreign affiliate-domestic ...