Season 14 offers players an entirely new way of approaching the world of Sea of Thieves, with a myriad of details to sink ...
Your Armoury expands again! The Grapple Gun has been added to your loadout options, offering a new method of traversal to ...
For crews pledged to the Burning Blade, there is now a short grace period after the Captain leaves the game before the ship begins to sink, to protect from temporary disconnections. When a crew in ...
Devious Disguise Awarded to pirates who are most effectively able to conceal their true appearance, whether that involves ...
We hope you've all thoroughly enjoyed the festive season! Now that it's come to a close, Outpost residents across the Sea of Thieves are taking down their decorations for the year. If you haven't used ...
Our Year in Review page has now closed. Thank you to everyone who sailed the Sea of Thieves in 2019 – we hope you enjoyed finding out your statistics and embarking on all the adventures that went with ...
Explorez un vaste monde ouvert parsemé d'îles inexplorées, de navires engloutis et de mystérieux artefacts. Partez à la recherche de trésors perdus, affrontez des capitaines squelettes et protégez les ...
Explore a vast open world of unspoiled islands, sunken ships and mysterious artefacts. Seek out lost treasure, confront cursed Skeleton Captains and protect precious Trading Company cargo. Go hunting ...
Join your fellow pirates over the next few weeks to tackle Trials and Deeds, find lost shipments for the Merchant Alliance, embark upon new Events and claim dozens of rewards!
Sea of Thieves is your gateway to the pirate life you’ve always dreamed of, serving up endless opportunities for adventure, excitement and discovery in a vast world where the seas are home to crews of ...
Log in to track your progress through Summer of Sea of Thieves challenges and see which rewards are within reach!