Religion is the bane of the world today The more you preach the less you say, God is One, whatever the name Sermons, only ...
If a true aristocrat is to be defined by courtesy and good manners, then the Mahatma was no less than the most refined ...
Gandhi's idea of satyagraha influenced Nelson Mandela in South Africa, and Martin Luther King Jr in the US were deeply ...
Pakistan’s pivot to geo-economics has gained significant momentum, particularly in the context of its deepening ties with ...
How Bangladesh has used the weakness of Indian Bengalis for the 'Padma ilish' to pursue its hilsa diplomacy with India was ...
The UN membership has undergone a sea change since 1945 and the new realities need to be reflected in the permanent ...
The hope for a better and more sustainable future now lies, first with the youth in the ages of 18-25, studying in the ...
A premier example is our neighbour, Pakistan”, he said of the consequences it faces internally as a result of promoting ...
Reforms when implemented, will not only restore public confidence in our justice system but will attract local and foreign ...
For India, Pakistan and Bangladesh's defence cooperation is reason for concern. The long, porous border between India and ...
For Afghans to find their own solutions they need an engaged international community inside Afghanistan.  The more isolated ...
Balochistan remains a Pakistani faultline and it must be understood that it is a ‘political problem' even though the ...