The right start-up financing gives your new business a solid financial base. It makes sure you have the funding to cover your short-term needs and to make the most of opportunities to grow. Working ...
It is difficult to know if a new business is going to succeed. But one can often work out that a business is likely to fail. By working out a marketing strategy, then writing it down as a detailed ...
If you want to start your own tool hire business, you'll need plenty of capital to buy the range of professional quality tools and other equipment that a tool hire venture needs. Our guide covers the ...
Computer retailers supply hardware, software and related services to domestic and business customers. Check out our practical guide for starting and running your own computer shop. Selling computer ...
It's never a bad idea to look at cutting your costs. When your business is ticking over nicely, you can keep spending focused on the right areas. And if things are getting tight, limiting expenditure ...
Legally, all businesses must maintain accurate financial records and retain them for six years. As soon as you set up your business, start recording all your costs and sales you make. Keep receipts ...