匈牙利技术和工业部 (TIM) 周三表示,匈牙利已获得 6 亿福林(15 万欧元)的资金,用于开发和运营一台 20 petaflop 的超级计算机。 该设施位于布达佩斯附近 Csillebérc 的 Wigner 物理研究中心,得益于欧洲高性能计算联合企业 (EuroHPC) 的资助,将在未来 2-3 年内建成。
The heterogeneous platform is built on the company’s new Stix architecture, which is based on a PCIe infrastructure for accelerator deployment, and can deliver up to a petaflop of computing power from ...
Allinea DDT enables computational scientists on the 20 petaflop Titan system to run their applications successfully. 'Allinea and Cray have worked together to ensure that the complete development ...
It summarizes the near-term initiatives, including the technical and policy agendas for what could be a twenty-year effort to build a petaFLOP scale computer. (A FLOP -- Floating Point OPeration -- is ...
The US General Services administration is currently auctioning off a decommissioned 5.34 petaflop supercomputer, and although the starting price was a mere $2,500, the top bid is currently $280,085.