The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
A concept artist who worked on Leigh Whannell's Wolf Man has unveiled some of his alternate designs for the titular monster. Are they better, or worse? Have a look and let us ...
He was a Guides Writer over at PocketTactics' sister site, The Loadout, before moving onto Hardware and Managing Editor roles at Gfinity's StealthOptional. Now, between lengthy Pokémon Pocket sessions ...
In Pokémon TCG Pocket, the card is part of a special mission called ... series, manga, and anime. Previews, reviews, interviews, trailers, gameplay, podcasts and more! Follow us now!