The Monolith 15A folding-stock carbine from Global Ordnance is loaded with features and innovations intended to improve upon the AR-15's 70-year-old design.
摘要 2024年诺贝尔物理学奖授予约翰·霍普菲尔德和杰弗里·辛顿,这对很多人来说是出乎意料的。文章将从统计物理的视角,从伊辛模型出发,逐步介绍霍普菲尔德和辛顿的主要贡献,其中包括Hopfield模型、玻尔兹曼机、非监督学习,以及现代生成模型。还将回顾统计物理和机器学习在20世纪末期的精彩合作历程,并对未来物理与机器学习交互领域的发展方向进行简单展望。
Abstract: The values in use for the conductivity, resistivity, and temperature coefficient of copper vary considerably. The standard values for annealed copper as used by various institutions in ...