The party is moving its base to Indira Gandhi Bhawan, on Kotla Road. This marks the end of the 47-year period that the party used the iconic 24, Akbar road.
"After receiving complaints from residents, we visited Hutatma Smarak Garden, where eight to ten dead carcases were found, and 10 to 15 dead crows were found at Mahatma Gandhi Garden. Six carcasses ...
The High Commission of India donated a life-sized statue of Mahatma Gandhi to the University of Belize on Friday, January 10, in Belmopan. The iconic political ethicist was celebrated for his ...
Congress Parliamentary Party chief Sonia Gandhi inaugurated party's new headquarters located at 9A, Kotla Road today, marking a key moment in history of the grand old party which has operated from ...
As he grew up, Lal Bahadur Shastri became more and more interested in the country’s struggle for freedom from foreign yoke. He was greatly impressed by Mahatma Gandhi’s denunciation of Indian Princes ...
Mahatma Gandhi became a leader of the country because his life spoke for itself, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his first podcast, which aired on Friday. Communication is very important for a ...