The Beijing 12345 service hotline has become a vital conduit for efficient communication between citizens, businesses and the ...
Iran's Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) announced on Saturday a ban on electronic communication devices, such as pagers and ...
As CICG marks its 75th anniversary this year, Elmaghrabi continues to look forward. He said he hopes to further strengthen ...
2024中国新媒体大会|数字屈原、遨游太空,这些“黑科技”太吸睛2024 China New Media Conference|Digital Qu Yuan, Space-faring, and Other “Black Technologies” ...
最近,有两条与智能汽车远程锁车有关的新闻登上了社交媒体热搜。第一条是河南郑州弓先生通过网络平台购买一辆二手小米SU7电动汽车,在支付了205000元购车款后,将车开回郑州。在支付尾款时,卖家要求加价,弓先生拒绝,随后车被卖家远程锁车。弓先生联系小米客服,小米客服表示,因为双方没有完成车辆过户,原车主账号仍然 ...
大家好,这一期,我们为大家搜罗了以下值得一看的环境研究和新闻: 1)emoji里要有枯树表情了 2)为缓解全球变暖,美国严厉打击制冷剂走私 3)上海遭遇75年来最强台风,气候变化难逃其咎 4)太阳一照,汽车尾气变清洁能源?
The cumulative direct investment from the five Nordic countries in China has exceeded 15 billion U.S. dollars so far. In the first eight months of this year, China's direct investment in these ...
本白皮书首先对下一代泛在实时通信网络(URCN,Ubiquitous Real-time Communication ...
微信活跃指数超1000的15家央企中,排名前5位的企业为,中国移动、中国石化、中国石油、中国联通、中国电信,活跃指数分别为1534、1480、1465、1454、1438,与上一期持平;排名后5位的微信公众号为,大飞机青年、中国黄金集团、青春中咨、中 ...
S&P TSX Composite Communication Services (Sector) Index1,301.16‎-0.03% ...