BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for high-quality audit-based oversight to provide safeguards for the country's high-quality economic and social development.
“准90后”钟键是一个地地道道的广东仔。20岁那年,他前往瑞典留学。今年3月,他的旅游公司在广州设立了办公室。他说,希望邀请更多瑞典朋友走进广东,赏美景、品民俗、叹美食。下面,我们一起走进瑞典广东华人协会会长钟键的故事。Born in the late 1980s, Zhong Jian is a true Guangdong native. At the age of 20, he ...
Peking Opera, a UNESCO-recognized cultural heritage dating back over 200 years, is a performance art incorporating singing, reciting, acting and martial arts. Xi called on the artists to uphold virtue ...
BEIJING, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged law societies to play a better role as bridges in a letter sent to the ninth congress of the China Law Society, which opened on ...