Prior research has harnessed such information for image segmentation, yet progress in deformable image registration has been modest. Our work introduces textSCF, a novel method that integrates ...
For the last several years, the Delivering the Future event has showcased the latest technologies powering Amazon operations.
At its Delivering the Future event Wednesday, Amazon announced plans for new robot-powered delivery warehouses. The first ...
Character.AI said it’s abandoning its efforts to build LLMs because it’s gotten “insanely expensive” to compete with the big ...
几十年来,制造业一直在热切期待着全自动工厂的到来。高科技机器人、智能机器和传感器组成的网络将无缝协调生产,解决普遍存在的劳动力短缺问题,同时大幅降低运营成本。理论上来说,这些工厂只需极少的人工干预,就能在完全黑暗的环境中运行,因此也被称为“熄灯工厂” ...
这几年,由ChatGPT引发的新一轮AI革命风暴,点燃了“硅谷之火”。OpenAI作为ChatGPT背后的“造物主”,近日又推出新一代大模型“o1”,该大模型能够“像人类一样思考和推理”,再次获得AI领域的瞩目。作为人工智能领域的领军公司之一,Ope ...
The market for large language models lost another contender yesterday, while at the same time, its leader—OpenAI—closed a massive $6.6 billion funding round that represents the largest VC ...
On a typical workday, I handle two shifts of about 10 hours each. After my buddy Cardinal stacks packages onto a rolling cart ...
在最近举办的 “未来配送”发布会上,亚马逊宣布了其全新的机器人驱动配送仓库计划,第一座 “下一代运营中心” 将在路易斯安那州的什里夫波特落成。这座占地300万平方英尺的仓库相当于55个足球场的大小,足足有五层楼高,给人一种震撼的感觉。