■1月15日,北大光华管理学院“Future leader”项目的5位学生拜访了芒格书院,与书院创始人施宏俊、主笔杨紫琳等人进行了有关阅读学习、人生规划和商业投资等话题的深入交流。
The store decoration and dishes all seem to be old Shenzhen feeling. The family can enjoy the food together. It is said that ...
除夕是农历年的最后一天,也是中国人最为重视的节日。除为“去,交替”,除夕便是“ 月穷岁尽,辞旧迎新 ”。据称,最早提及“除夕”这一名称的,是西晋周处撰著的《风土记》等史籍。
The Chinese New Year holiday is a time of celebration, family reunions, and vibrant festivities. While many places may take a ...
In Hubei, a single Wuchang bream carries the joy of a fisherman’s bountiful harvest, the pride of chefs crafting delicious ...
Hubei is known as the "Province of a Thousand Lakes". Hubei people's love for fish dates back as early as 2,400 years ago. 1300多年前的中国北宋时期,著名诗人兼美食家苏轼,曾写下诗句“晓日照江水,游鱼似玉瓶”,描述武昌鱼。
The annual Hong Kong Marathon is back for its 27th year and boasts the highest participation rate in Hong Kong, drawing thousands of local runners and elite athletes from around the world. The race ...