Last May, two U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter jets participated in a rare dogfighting exercise over the Korean Peninsula ...
In May, two U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor stealth fighters engaged in a rare dogfighting exercise with two South Korean F-35A ...
Even though the Su-35 is a capable aircraft, it simply doesn't stack up to the F-22. Author Experience and Expertise: Peter Suciu Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer. He has contributed to more ...
两名北约飞行员最近分别驾驶「颱风」(Typhoon)和F-35战机,在德国上空进行「空战」竞赛。而德国飞行员说,美国对手的 F-35具有值得称讚的隐形 ...
Most likely, the Su-35 could out-maneuver the F-22 in a classic dogfight. Both planes are equipped with state-of-the art missiles capable of shooting each other out of the sky. The Su-35's need to ...
美国《国家利益》双月刊网站9月20日刊发文章,题为《美国空军计划将F-22“猛禽”战斗机打造成空中杀手的内幕》,作者是 ...
Grant said the Eurofighter Typhoon had a "little bit more thrust," but he said if the dogfight were real, the F-35 would "probably kill me beyond visual range even before I knew he was there ...
The German pilot said his US opponent's F-35 had commendable stealth capabilities. The pilots used paper airplanes to talk about their fight and their various maneuvers. Two NATO fighter jet pilots ...
伊朗媒体2日报道称,在伊朗向以色列发动的此次大规模导弹袭击中,伊朗导弹击中以色列空军基地,摧毁以军两个中队的F-35战机。而以色列军方则 ...