With Ajith Kumar’s Vidaamuyarchi out of the Pongal 2025 race, all eyes are on the next date makers will lock in for release. Meanwhile, the actor is all set to participate in the Dubai 24 Hours race.
If you are interested in learning more about the group or just looking for some new music, here is an introduction to Stray Kids and a ranking of their top songs. Song No. 1. Gods Menu Stray Kids “神메뉴 ...
As they jump and play, the song plays and the lyrics appear at the top of the screen. While younger kids won’t be able to read them just yet, it will help with word and letter recognition.
Singapore, Dec 27: Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim wrote a moving tribute to Manmohan Singh Friday, recalling how the Indian leader offered scholarships for his children while he was in prison.