“我前几天已经回儿子家住了,再也不用借住在庙里了!”80多岁的王婆婆在电话里向陕西省兴平市检察院检察官刘军锋表达谢意。今年6月的一天,王婆婆独自走进兴平市检察院,找到检察官刘军锋说,老伴张某去世后只留下一份遗嘱,自己没收入也没存款,每月吃药都要五六百元,她想到法院起诉张某的儿子要回老伴的银行卡,又不会 ...
为全面深入防范和打击非法集资活动,做好金融领域扫黑除恶斗争工作,唐山市古冶区人民法院刑庭干警走上街头,开展了以“扫黑恶 净环境 促稳定 保平安”、“严厉打击非法集资 ...
A dramatic report has revealed Haaland's exit intentions, the club he's rejected and where his likely landing spot will be ...
被俄坑了30亿,印度又想买航母?俄海军就剩下1艘,已变成废船 ...
BBN Phyna has sparked reactions after sharing the amount she spends in fuelling her car monthly. She called out the ...
A consultation scheduled to launch by the end of 2024 on reforming UK f-gas legislation will lay the path for wider-ranging ...
10月11日,TCL智家(002668.SZ)发布公告称,董事会同意选举彭攀为公司第六届董事会董事长。此前,TCL智家前任董事长胡殿谦因工作原因于10月8日辞职。简历显示,彭攀生于1976年,2005年加入TCL,期间先后在TCL系多家公司担任多个财务相关职位,包括财务部部长、财务总监等。目前,彭攀还担任TCL实业控股股份有限公司首席财 ...
全自动挨骂机王楚钦,小心翼翼的被造了很多谣,本命年快过去了 ...
India and Italy's strategic partnership is expanding, featuring increased bilateral trade, defence cooperation, and joint ...
The 2024 Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta (IOR) will take place October 12-13 in Larchmont, NY. Forty-one schools from 19 U.S ...