很多人可能并不清楚,欧规的兰博基尼Countach QV ...
The list of the 10 most popular movies on Netflix right now includes two Despicable Me movies and a new French action ...
Netflix has added another wave of new titles to its platform this month, and so far we are loving everything new on Netflix ...
Many people work hard to eventually retire, but what happens after you leave the job behind and pursue your new lifestyle? A ...
Mad Max may have started as an over-the-top dystopian story, but the movies in the franchise have always featured some ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@莫古力的玩心于01月19日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 不讨论音译意译的区别 更准确的表达原意 片假名通常用于外来词、拟声词或特定名称,直接翻译成中文可能会造成歧义。通过转译为英文,可以回溯其原始含义,尤其是外来词来源于英语的情况下 ...
Privately held ByteDance is about 60% owned by institutional investors such as BlackRock and General Atlantic, while its ...