Bernstein believes the biggest factor for IPO appetite is post-listing performance. This year, the average return from ...
Looking ahead, Yetsenga expects the Fed’s easing cycle to result in a total rate cut of around 200 basis points. While interest rates are unlikely to return to pre-2020 levels, he emphasized that a ...
In an interview with SFC reporter, Richard Yetsenga, ANZ Group Chief Economist, pointed out that stimulus measures and structural reforms are crucial for sustaining China's growth trajectory. He ...
In an exclusive interview with an SFC reporter, Richard Yetsenga, ANZ Group Chief Economist, discussed the implications of ...
Takes a look at the Brighton bombing of 1984, featuring new testimony from many of those affected and a revealing interview with the man who planted the bomb, Patrick Magee.
Delves into the leadership of Kim Jong Un and North Korea's secretive history, including exclusive interviews with political and historical experts, Professor Natasha Lindstaedt and Dr Owen Miller.
10月17日(星期四)上午10:00,在北京市委市政府新闻发布厅,北京市人民政府新闻办公室将举行“花园城市 多彩京秋”新闻发布会。市园林绿化局、市交通委、朝阳区、平谷区相关负责同志将介绍情况并回答记者提问。首都之窗将全程进行直播,欢迎大家关注。
总部位于巴黎的新闻自由倡议组织“无国界记者”(Reporters Without Borders)在台北设立亚太办事处已迈入第八个年头,新任秘书长柏儒廷(Thibaut Bruttin)本周率领参访团来台,并于星期三(10月16日)拜会台湾总统赖清德 ...
时间:2024-10-16 19:01:52 来源:chinadaily.com.cn ...
如何理解政府工作报告提出扩大失业保险的保障范围?失业保险改如何更好保障失业人群权益?保就业究竟有多重要?郑秉文接受新华网专访,解读与报告相关的热点问题。 用好用活失业保险金对拉动经济意义重大 他认为,每做好一位失业人口的保障,意味着稳定了整个失业人员家庭的生活,也为市场拉动了大于一的消费需求。做好失业人员保障,对拉动经济、复工复产以及走出疫情等,都是意义重大的。 “要让制度回归本源,让制度回归初衷 ...