Hyper-realistic food replicas, known as "sampuru," are enhancing culinary experiences in Japan for both tourists and locals. These visually appealing food models become immersive attractions that ...
Rooted in centuries-old traditions and influenced by cultural and culinary principles, the Japanese approach to food offers a unique perspective on healthy eating. At the heart of this dietary ...
The government said Friday that it will step up efforts to increase the country's exports of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food products. The government has been supporting the development ...
The history of miso soup is intrinsically linked to the development and spread of miso itself in Japanese culture. The earliest documented appearance of the word “miso” dates back to the Heian period ...
Shortly after the Black Friday rush on shopping specials ends, the year-end madness in Japan known as “shiwasu ... Those in the food service industry resolutely cater to harried households ...