This Shah Rukh Khan starred film Duplicate perfectly blends comedy and action. The film takes a turn when a brutal don tries ...
This article contains gruesome details of violence that could be triggering for some readers. The actor we’re talking about ...
With back-to-back consecutive flops, this actor has only deleivered three successful films in his 13 years of career. The ...
The duo has crafted four unforgettable films to date. However, they had another collaboration that didn't go as planned.
威廉·帕尔默于1780年出生在勒克瑙,也就是菲兹与将军开始同居的一年之后。在佐法尼那幅著名的家庭画像(下图)中,五岁的威廉身穿白色的奥德长袍。他的早年是在勒克瑙的大都市环境里度过的,当时勒克瑙正处于它的黄金时代,是北印度宫廷文化的中心。后来威廉被送到 ...
Finance ministers, over the years, have added some poetic touch or other elements to the budget announcement. Here is how Nirmala Sitharaman, Arun Jaitley and other have added theirs, check full list.