Superstar Mahesh Babu unveiled the trailer for Gandhi Tatha Chettu, a film that marks the acting debut of Sukumar Bandreddy’s ...
and that is when they watched the movie and got to know about him. He also mentioned that even today, the people in the West visualise actor Ben Kingsley as Mahatma Gandhi and they do not know how ...
The trailer of Gandhi Tatha Chettu, featuring Sukumar Bandreddy’s daughter Sukriti Veni Bandreddy in the lead role, was launched by Hero Mahesh Babu through ...
The American Gandhi is a movie based on a true story. It attempts to answer these questions through its portrayal of Illegal mining in rural India, and has been made to create awareness about the ...
The release date for Pratik Gandhi and Patralekhaa-starrer 'Phule' has been announced. The film will be released in theatres ...
MUMBAI: The much-awaited Pratik Gandhi starrer "Phule" is set to release on the 197th birth anniversary of the renowned ...