在肝细胞癌(HCC)的早期诊断中,传统的影像学检查和组织活检可能存在一定的局限性,尤其是对于小于2cm的肿瘤,约有30%的病例缺乏特征性影像学表现。这使得及时准确的诊断变得愈发紧迫。在此背景下,研究人员开发了一种名为eHCC-pred的机器学习模型,旨在提升肝癌早期诊断的准确性,从78.15%提升至令人惊讶的97%。 传统上,HCC的诊断依赖于相应的影像学检查和组织活检,但在影像学特征不典型的情况 ...
Prednisolone acetate 0.5%, neomycin (as sulfate) 0.35%, polymyxin B sulfate 10000 Units; per mL; oph. susp. To treat eyes: 1–2 drops every 3–4 hrs, or more often if necessary. To treat lids: 1 ...
Gouli thought he had been communicating with the teenager, but she was actually a 49-year-old associated with a group known as the 814 Pred Hunters. The group scans communications in western ...
Prednisolone acetate 1%; oph. susp; contains benzalkonium chloride, sulfites. Glucocorticoids inhibit the edema, fibrin deposition, capillary dilation, and phagocytic migration of the acute ...