BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for high-quality audit-based oversight to provide safeguards for the country's high-quality economic and social development.
BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — The Communist Party of China (CPC) leadership met on Thursday to hear a series of work reports from the leading Party members' groups of state institutions, including the ...
Leaders of the Communist Party of China and the state Xi Jinping, Cai Qi and Ding Xuexiang meet with representatives of ...
美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)星期三(12月18日)上午与佛罗里达州共和党国会参议员马可·鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)举行了“实质性”的面对面会谈。