根据教育部星期二(10月22日)发的文告,吴庆瑞教研大楼(Goh Keng Swee Centre for ...
位于教育部总部毗邻兴建的吴庆瑞教育中心将于明年动工建造,预计2029年启用,位于不同地点的教育部总部职员到时将集中搬到同一个地点办公。 根据教育部星期二(10月22日)发的文告,坐落于北波那维斯达通道的吴庆瑞教育中心(Goh Keng Swee ...
Slated to be ready in 2029, it will house staff from MOE’s headquarters from various sites. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Goh Keng Swee Centre for Education will bring together staff from the ministry's headquarters offices in Balestier, ...
Police have arrested eight people, including a woman, to assist in investigations in connection with the case of a Pakistani ...
A Pakistani man died after being stabbed by a man believed to be a local in an incident in Pulau Tikus here yesterday. Acting ...
Seven men and one woman were arrested today in connection with the murder of a Pakistani man in the Pulau Tikus neighbourhood ...
10月9日,新加坡建国总理李光耀之子李显扬在社交媒体上发布讣告,宣布姐姐李玮玲当日在家中去世,终年69岁。 李显扬在讣告中引述李玮玲在李光耀私人葬礼上的悼词:“我不能崩溃,我是个客家女人”,但同时表示自己没有姐姐坚强。
Police chief Hamzah Ahmad says the 38-year-old man was arrested along with three others at a house in George Town.
10月16日,乐鑫科技股票收盘大跌3.29%,天眼查资料显示,乐鑫信息科技(上海)股份有限公司成立于2008年,位于上海市,是一家以从事软件和信息技术服务业为主的企业。企业注册资本11220.0431万人民币,法定代表人为TEO SWEE ...
在东南亚的汽车生产大国泰国,当地零部件厂商与中国汽车厂商的关系正在拉近。大企业AAPICO Hitech等已开始向比亚迪(BYD)供应主要零部件。中国企业通过在当地设立工厂,在供应链中提高存在感。日系供应商可能会被迫调整业务。
Singapore may have one of the best healthcare systems in the world, but this comes at a heavy price. In this week’s Money ...