The Xu Qinsong Art Museum (许钦松美术馆) is set to be completed and opened in Huangpu district next October. It is the first museum in China to be named after Xu Qinsong, a national first-level artist.
The national growth was driven by increased planting area and improved yield efficiency. China's total cotton planting area ...
WUHAN, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- The restored statues of a pair of fossil human skulls, dating back to one million years ago, were unveiled by the Hubei Provincial Museum in central China on Thursday.
BISU编者按:由北京第二外国语学院与北京日报社、中国互联网新闻中心联合出品的《我眼中的北京非遗》系列节目第五期《“东方悠悠球”——北京空竹的前世今生》正式上线。本系列节目依托北二外的外语专业特色与媒体的优质海内外传播平台,推出系列融媒体产品,助力讲 ...
Located in the southern Peloponnesian peninsula, Pavlopetri(themodern name of the site) emerged as a Neolithic settlement ...
5)After her new videos were posted, her number of followers quickly shot up to more than 26.67 million on Sina Weibo and ...
今年夏天,开弥跟随“Path Seekers 问道中国”徒步小组,与南京博物院名誉院长龚良先生一起,来到景德镇以东约50公里处的高岭古道。龚良先生告诉她,不要小看这短短几公里的古道,当年,它是运送高岭土的重要通道;不要小看高岭土,那可是制瓷的关键原料 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
一级方程式赛车(Formula One,简称F1)大奖赛目前正在阿布达比如火如荼登场,即将在2025年担任F1官方计时的泰格豪雅(TAG Heuer)提前热身,为了致敬去年冠军红牛队荷兰籍车手马克斯维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)拿下 ...