In 1953, the MSU Corn Foundation installed a plaque commemorating Professor William Beal’s pioneering work in hybridizing ...
矮化性状代表着高产、耐肥、抗倒伏等优良特性,是小麦、水稻、玉米等多种农作物选育优良高产品种的重要研究方向。小麦、水稻的矮化育种取得了标志性的“绿色革命”,然而所有绿色革命成就都没有提及玉米的矮化育种。事实上,玉米矮化基因研究与小麦和水稻起步大体一致, ...
Yes, there is a lot presented at the event each year, but a lion’s share of the attention overall is typically on “king corn,” that long distance relative of wild teosinte, originating ...
Genetic hybridization is the process of interbreeding individuals from genetically distinct populations to produce a hybrid. A genetic hybrid would therefore carry two different alleles of the ...