Traditional village in S China turns tourist attraction, hot spot for study tours An aerial drone photo shows a view of Nalu ...
有一道驰名海外的中国名菜叫 “左宗棠鸡”,虽然其以湖南名将左宗棠的名字来命名,事实上与他本人没有太大关联,发明人是民国时期的彭长贵。There is a famous Chinese dish overseas called "Zuo ...
始创于1755年的瑞士日内瓦制表品牌江诗丹顿( Vacheron Constantin ...
Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province is home to a variety of ethnic minorities. Various distinctive folk customs of of these ethnic ...
这两天,你有没有发现:地铁上突然长满了人人人人人人其中还有一大部分是外国人网友们纷纷感叹“一睁眼身边全是老外”“人在广州,刚下地铁,有种环球旅行的既视感!”“明明在广州,却像是出了国”“大家都统一往一个方向赶是去干嘛”?“是什么把全世界各地的人都招来 ...
SBS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and their connections and continuous care for the skies, lands and ...
所谓对称,是指以某一个点或一条线为中心,两边的形状、大小呈现对称的现象。无论是颜色、影调还是结构,都是统一和谐的。Symmetry refers to a phenomenon where shapes and sizes on both sides ...
穿上绣工精湛、款式典雅的汉服,他们化身英姿飒爽的锦衣卫、楚楚动人的名门闺秀、温文尔雅的翩翩公子,在岭南园林的古风美景中款款走开,定睛一看,这么亮眼的他们,竟有着一张张洋面孔。“穿上汉服,我感觉自己变成了一个小公主”,来自美国的小姑娘Ariana ...
Traditional Chinese lacquer art is one of the most recent popular China-chic waves that has been blowing the minds of young ...
财中社10月10日电康惠制药(603139)发布公告,持股5%以上股东TBP Traditional Medicine Investment Holdings (H.K.) ...
海归学者发起的公益学术平台 分享信息,整合资源 交流学术,偶尔风月 ...
有一个特别的日子,充满了千年传承的温暖与美好,就像秋天的阳光一样明媚。有一种情感,如同秋天里永不凋谢的菊花,穿越了无数个春秋,依旧鲜艳。这就是重阳节,也被称为“敬老节”。每到这一天,人们会用金黄的秋色绘制出一幅幅尊敬长辈、关爱晚辈的美好画卷。让我们跟 ...