Apple Watch series 10与谷歌Pixel Watch 3对比!
入境处数据显示,重阳节长周末假期首日,出境香港居民有接近60万人次,较去年重阳节长假周末首日上升约三成;至於内地旅客入境超过5万6千人次,按年下跌近五成。立法会议员张欣宇表示,港车北上出行时间越来越集中,比较大挑战,重阳节当日,北上车辆在港珠澳大桥桥 ...
首款国产3A游戏大作《黑神话:悟空》自8月上市就掀起旋风,创下三天卖破千万套的佳绩。杭州市税务局近日估算,《黑神话:悟空》开发总成本约人民币3亿元,目前该游戏已发售超过2000万份,总收入超70亿人民币。《黑神话:悟空》今年8月上市後,在内地及海外都 ...
该产品配备 1.43 英寸 AMOLED 屏幕,支持心率、血氧、皮肤温度、睡眠、压力、呼吸、女性健康等多维度健康管理;100+ 运动模式、蓝牙通话等;典型模式 9 天续航;配备 NFC 智能门卡功能。
IT之家 10 月 12 日消息,今日 vivo 宣布 vivo Watch GT 智能手表支持全新无网通信功能,依托全面升级的“蓝河”生态系统, 支持更多车型的车钥匙,让手表就能化身对讲机、学习机、车钥匙 ,更多信息将在 10 月 14 日 ...
苹果公司在智能手表领域的不断创新,使得Apple Watch系列成为了市场的佼佼者。随着Apple Watch Series 10的推出,用户们再次面临一个关键问题:相较于前代产品Series 8,Series ...
华为WATCH手表配对iPhone后体验怎么样? 这期视频, ...
当地时间周三,全球电商与科技巨头亚马逊宣布了一项重要合作,即美国用户将于今年10月下旬起,能够通过其Prime Video平台直接订阅并观看苹果Apple TV+的原创节目和体育赛事,而无需单独下载Apple ...
Follow Conti Alessandro, an Italian expat, to explore the millennium-old city of Chaozhou in south China's Guangdong Province, to experience the charm of this ancient city.
Traditional Chinese lacquer art is one of the most recent popular China-chic waves that has been blowing the minds of young people. What is lacquer art? How are such exquisite pieces of art created?
Join a Spanish enthusiast of ceramics to discover Dehua porcelain firing technique, a national intangible cultural heritage of Quanzhou, uncovering exquisite artifacts as well as fascinating stories.
Zuckerberg's fondness for "Civilization VI" may not come as a surprise to those who know him as one of the world's wealthiest and most influential figures. However, it is worth noting that the game ...