Medical Research Council–Public Health England Centre for Environment and Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London W2 1NY, UK ...
which does not stain by the aniline dyes . . .” Whether this is the aetiological factor in this disease cannot be determined from this case”. A prescient observation. He suggested intestinal ...
All babies under the age of 1 year, presenting to the department with a head injury were eligible. Results: A total of 131 cases were recorded, 17 (13%) of which were associated with either BC or CS, ...
The prevalence was higher than that of blood donors but lower than that of 2 adult patients with liver disease. HGV is not associated with any specific disease group and does not seem to be a major ...
In addition to the pulmonary features of COPD, several systemic effects have been recognised even after controlling for common aetiological factors such as smoking or steroid use. These include ...
The second form of cardiomyopathy is caused by intrinsic disorders of the myocardium itself and is subdivided on the basis of the pathophysiology. Such a functional rather than an aetiological ...
Correspondence: Professor S H E Kaufmann, Max-Planck-Institute for Infection Biology, Department of Immunology, Schumannstrasse 21-22, D-10117 Berlin, Germany; kaufmann{at} ...
评论区集结!让大家看看,是谁好不容易盼到假期,一出门就不小心摔了~请原地大喊三声:骨头很重要,谁摔谁知道。乖乖看完文章的你,不摔也知道啦~越来越多的人发现,骨折不仅发生在老年人身上,年轻人的骨头,也禁不起折腾,脆脆的,很好摔。我国低骨量人群庞大,是骨 ...
Further studies are required to confirm these findings in different population samples and to further explore potential aetiological mechanisms particularly gene environment interaction.
The aetiological link between deaths on hot days and heat exposure can be difficult to establish, and deaths attributable to heat-related causes may therefore be underestimated.3 Heat exposure can ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses an important global health challenge in the 21st century. A previous study has quantified the global and regional burden of AMR for 2019, followed with additional ...
Lemongrass essential oil is a popular tool in aromatherapy. It is claimed to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression and remedy digestive ailments. However, there is little high quality research ...