kill sb的原意是“置某人于死地”,在这儿是夸张性表达,以此来表达“非常难受”,也就是我们常说的“我要狗带了”,可根据此场景译意为“我很难受”。 Stop it! You're killing me!
About 300, 000 people involved, an astonishing six out of ten global wigs made at the city and one in every 15 residents engaged in the field, these are all representative name cards of Xuchang of Cen ...
Brazil may be leading a resurgence in a lagging category | 随着美联储降息和中国经济刺激的推动,投资者对新兴市场的兴趣回升,巴西等国家的加息政策凸显了不同经济体的差异。
The Color Run™ Shanghai was pushed back to October 26 due to typhoon season – which means ticket sales are back open! The ...
Bernstein believes the biggest factor for IPO appetite is post-listing performance. This year, the average return from ...
▲ 新加坡眼,点击卡片关注,加星标,以防失联2024年9月9日,新加坡人力部长陈诗龙医生在国会答复非选区议员潘群勤、杨厝港单选区议员叶汉荣、阿裕尼集选区议员严燕松、先锋单选区议员郑德源等关于技能创前程求职援助计划(SkillsFuture ...
Studies have shown that the cost of climate change is about to increase, as long as no measures are taken to mitigate the ...
当地时间10月15日晚,停办了5年的 “维多利亚的秘密”时装秀(Victoria's Secret Fashion Show)在纽约重新拉开了帷幕,引发微博和外网的热议。 今年的维密秀模特阵容更加多元化,不仅邀请了包括Tyra ...
成都蓉城球员周定洋在社交媒体上点评了自己FC25的卡,周定洋表示,自己的防守数值感觉不太准。周定洋写道:“新赛季FC上手舒适,但我的防守数值感觉不太准啊 盼着比赛日早些回来,亟待回到现实中证明自己!Enjoyed the gameplay of ...
BEIJING, Oct 18 (China Economic Net) - Chinese wind turbines are having increasingly more presence globally. In the first half of 2024, China received 5GW of wind turbine orders abroad, yielding a 47% ...
世界最大的内陆国家哈萨克,有意兴建核电厂,并且在10月6日举行全民公投。10月8日公投结果出炉, 71.12%的公民支持兴建核电厂,获得压倒性的通过。哈萨克大报《阿斯塔纳时报》(Astana Times)报导,选举委员会表示, ...
In an interview with SFC reporter, Richard Yetsenga, ANZ Group Chief Economist, pointed out that stimulus measures and structural reforms are crucial for sustaining China's growth trajectory. He ...