(吉隆坡7日讯)轻快铁轨道侦测疑似有异物入侵轨道(Track Intrusion)范围,导致格拉纳再也轻快铁线,今晚从占美清真寺站至孟沙站服务中断,许多因此被滞留在车站的乘客也纷纷在社交媒体宣泄不满。吉隆坡快捷通(Rapid ...
(莎阿南7日讯)2024年雪州创新赛闭幕,来自官方、私企、教育和民众等8参赛组别获奖者,将获颁发12万令吉的补助金拨款!雪州大臣拿督斯里阿米鲁丁表示,这笔奖金将帮助雪州透过数码科技创新解决社区层面问题,这项举措创造更多的技术和数码创新。他透露,雪州技 ...
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), he shared his study and work experiences in China during an interview with China News Network, recounting his unique ...
Uma apresentação artística foi realizada em Urumqi, capital da Região Autônoma Uigur de Xinjiang, no noroeste da China, na ...
Israeli airstrikes targeted military sites in the countryside of Homs and Hama provinces in central Syria on Sunday, killing ...