If necessary, the 930 Compact IC Flex can also be fitted with a column oven as well as an eluent and sample degasser. It goes without saying that the unique Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation (MISP ...
A 5 μm AcclaimTM 120 250-2.1 RP18 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used as separation column. A mixture of water and 0.85% formic acid (A) (v/v) or acetonitrile and 0.85% formic acid (B) (v/v) was ...
The diterpenoid, paclitaxel, which was identified as a potent chemotherapy agent for breast and ovarian cancer originates from the Pacific Yew tree. The isolation of paclitaxel from its major ...
This important study describes two findings: first, that TEAD is subject to turnover by the ubiquitin-proteasome system involving RNF146 and Parylation, and second, the development of a pan-TEAD ...