It’s another year of high-profile animated sequels, led by Disney’s “Zootopia 2,” DreamWorks’ “The Bad Guys 2,” and ...
"The Holdovers," shot in New Bedford and Fairhaven, is destined to become a classic Christmas movie. Where can you watch it online this season?
Ronny Deila’s coaching staff at Atlanta United includes two holdovers, a player who competed the rare feat of appearing for Rangers and Celtic in Scotland and a goalkeeping coach who made more than ...
Dave Dombrowski likes his team, and talent evaluators agree, even without making a big offseason move. But the NL got better, ...
For as long as I can remember, 1946’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been my favorite Christmas movie. Yes, it’s the most cliché choice possible, but Frank Capra’s heart-warming flick ...
Ohio State's recruiting class of 2021 was among the best in the country, ranked No. 2 nationally with seven five-star ...
Fifteen of them — more than a third — earned Cy Young Awards, including Bret Saberhagen and Johan Santana, who both won two.
Several theaters in Los Angeles remain closed, while blizzards keep moviegoers in other parts of the country at home ...
One movie destined to become a modern Christmas classic is 2023’s “The Holdovers,” starring Paul Giamatti, and filmed partially in New Bedford and Fairhaven. The movie, a comedy-drama ...
Regardless of who the New England Patriots end up hiring as their next head coach after firing Jerod Mayo, there are a number of players among their prospective ...
A curmudgeonly instructor at a New England prep school remains on campus during Christmas break to babysit a handful of students with nowhere to go.