The human immune system is like an army of specialized soldiers (immune cells) each with a unique role to play in fighting ...
An IBEC-led study describes the development of an innovative method to control the formation of crypt-like structures and ...
An IBEC-led study describes the development of an innovative method to control the formation of crypt-like structures and ...
A femoral hernia occurs when part of your intestine or abdominal tissue pushes through a weak spot in your lower abdominal ...
Any part from the mouth to the anus can be affected. Inflammation can spread deep into bowel tissue and cause serious health problems. Crohn’s disease can develop at any age, but most commonly ...
Luminal amoebicides (such as paromomycin, diloxanide furoate and iodoquinol) act on organisms in the intestinal lumen, but are ineffective against organisms in tissue. Metronidazole (and other ...