A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...
Xinjiang is a major red pepper-producing region in China. Yanqi in Xinjiang has the ideal climate for cultivating red peppers. How has modern machinery changed the lives of local pepper farmers? What ...
从去年3月开始,Ponsonby牙科诊所Total Health Dentistry的牙医Dr Jacob Goldenberg就被牙医管理委员会(Dental Council)暂停执业资格。
随着时间飞逝,人气手游《王者荣耀》迎来了它的九周年庆典。这款自推出以来便风靡全国的手游不仅在游戏性上取得了巨大的成功,其背后承载的故事与玩家的情感更是让无数人铭记。为了庆祝这个重要的时刻,游戏开发商Producing为玩家们准备了一系列丰富的庆典活动 ...
月球表面的神秘旋涡可能与地下磁性熔岩流有关。 “月球旋涡”是月球表面的一种旋涡状图案。NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center / Arizona State University ...
In the process of Saudi Arabia's continuous economic diversification and development, China has become an important partner. An increasing number of Chinese companies view Saudi Arabia as a key ...