引言生物分子凝聚体是细胞内普遍存在的微观结构,能够调节细胞的转录、应激反应和RNA剪接【1】。这些凝聚体的形成由多价生物大分子的相变驱动,并在空间上隔离离子,形成pH和电位梯度,例如核仁与核质之间的pH差异【2】。离子的空间分布决定了细胞的电化学势, ...
If you’ve ever wondered whether our planet hosts jumping bugs, look no more! We’ve compiled a list of commonly found bugs ...
Fleas made good performers as they are some of the best jumpers in nature, due to elastic cuticles made of resilin in their legs. These allow them to charge up energy and release it in a split second.
The adult flea is highly adept at jumping, facilitated by the storage of the elastic protein resilin in the pleural arch, which supplies the necessary energy. Fleas living on larger hosts can attain ...