Former CERN Director-General Robert Aymar in front of a LHC dipole magnet in 2004. Credit: CERN-GE-0401007-01 . Robert Aymar, ...
BSBF 2024 is a business oriented congress which congregates the main European Research Infrastructures, focused on technology and with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research ...
The Strings 2024 conference looked at the latest developments in the interconnected fields of quantum gravity and quantum ...
BWT (Best Water Technology) has been a proud partner of CERN, supplying state-of-the-art water dispensers to various sites ...
Early-career researchers tell the Courier what they think is the key strategic issue for the future of high-energy physics. Accelerating into the future Seventy years after construction began on ...
Klystron modulators are key elements in free electron lasers. They provide high-voltage pulses to bias klystron tubes with energies of several hundred joules. Amplitude variations directly affect the ...
Simone Ragoni is passionate about outreach. His Instagram page, quarktastic, has more than 10 thousand followers, and is one of the very few that successfully makes particle physics and academia ...
A report from the ALICE experiment. Fig. 1. Pearson correlation coefficient between the net-Ξ number and net-kaon number, as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity of the collision. Model ...
Lead–ion slits The photoproduction of ρ 0 mesons in the proximity of one of two colliding lead ions – which cannot be known – generates an interference pattern akin to that of a double-slit ...
Inspired by CERN’s international teacher programme and visits to other major labs, Joe Muise has found a powerful way to inspire physics students. Inspirational Museum-style displays produced from old ...
Wilson’s legacy The participants of Lattice 2024 in Liverpool. Credit: University of Liverpool In 1974, Kenneth G Wilson suggested modelling the continuous spacetime of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) ...