Starting with the next version of Microsoft Edge, we are running an experiment that allows you to use Visual Studio Code as the editor of the in-browser Developer Tools. Here’s a three minute video ...
I was lucky enough to get some good JavaScript trainings in the last months, one of which being Douglas Crockford explaining the DOM as an inconvenient API to work with. While his slides have a ...
I am currently in Prague, Czech Republic and gave a talk on re-use, professionalism and ease of development at the WebExpo. Today I am going to have a longer chat with the people at the University ...
Last week I went to Paris, France to speak at a Yahoo Developer Network event and Paris Web. Paris Web is a web development, design and accessibility conference that runs for the fourth year (I think) ...
Disclaimer: This is a list that will be part of the upcoming book for Friends of Ed about Web Development with Web Services and APIs. I thought it’d be interesting ...
Last week I was in Paris for a Yahoo Developer Network evening and Paris Web and one of the talks I gave was an introduction to Yahoo Open Applications. These are applications that you can embed in ...
I just recovered from this year’s Fronteers conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (somehow I caught the flu Robert Nyman brought with him and now I am trying to get my voice back in time for ...
This is the article version of a talk I gave at Web Unleashed in Toronto and Halfstack in Vienna. You can also check the slides here. I love the web, and it has been only good to me from a career ...
The browser developer tools Console is so much more than a place to log your messages. It is a way for you to programatically access the currently shown document and window, read out values and change ...
About eight years ago Bret Victor tried to change the way developer tools work by providing a faster and simpler way from creation to consumption. He also followed it up with a Learnable Programming ...
This is part of the web truths series of posts. Every few months there is an article claiming that CSS is not real programming. That CSS is too hard and broken. The language used in these can get ...