An impressive operation recently took place in CERN’s magnet test hall. The innovative cold powering system has been ...
CERN has revised its schedule for its accelerator complex. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently in its third period ...
Geneva, 11 October 2024. During its two hundred-and-eighteenth session, the CERN Council formally finalised the organisation of the European Strategy process by appointing the Physics Preparatory ...
In 1928 the physicist Paul Dirac proposed that every particle of matter should have an antimatter counterpart. But shortly after the big bang, most of the antimatter disappeared, leaving behind the ...
The influenza season is approaching and with it comes the consideration of getting a flu vaccination to protect yourself and others.  The CERN infirmary will vaccinate any person working on the CERN ...
Que diriez-vous de dépenser votre période de formation universitaire dans un environnement international et multidisciplinaire passionnant à la pointe de l'ingénierie, de la technologie et de la ...
These include FIPs within the Standard Model, the neutrinos, as well as FIPs predicted by theories beyond the Standard Model. This talk will discuss measurements and searches conducted by the FASER ...
Genève, le 11 octobre 2024. À sa deux cent dix-huitième session, le Conseil du CERN a conclu l'organisation du processus de la stratégie européenne avec la nomination du Groupe préparatoire sur la phy ...
All members and beneficiaries of the Pension Fund are invited to attend the Annual Information Meeting, which will take place: on Thursday, 17 October 2024 from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. in the Council ...
L’installation de mesure du temps de vol des neutrons (n_TOF) fonctionne au CERN depuis 2001. Il s’agit d’une source de neutrons pulsés associée à une trajectoire de 200 mètres qui a été conçue pour ...