A new partnership funded by the Government of Luxembourg, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and CERN aims to use expertise in AI ...
« Le programme #BugBounty au CERN débute aujourd’hui ! Saviez-vous que le World Wide Web qui fait aujourd’hui partie de notre quotidien a été créé au CERN ? Grâce à cette invention fondamentale, vous ...
CERN #BugBounty Program launches today! Did you know that the WWW as we know it today was created at CERN? Thanks to this fundamental invention, you now have the opportunity to help @CERN ...
En novembre, le CERN lancera un nouveau programme de formation intitulé « Question de Sécurité pour les superviseurs ». Cette formation complète a pour but d’améliorer l’intégration de pratiques de ge ...
This November will see the launch of a new training programme, “Safety Matters for Supervisors”. This comprehensive training course aims to enhance the integration of Safety management practices into ...
As we prepare for the next edition of the Summer Student Programme 2025, we would like to invite you to a special session designed to give you an overview of the programme and provide a space to ...
These include FIPs within the Standard Model, the neutrinos, as well as FIPs predicted by theories beyond the Standard Model. This talk will discuss measurements and searches conducted by the FASER ...
Geneva, 11 October 2024. During its two hundred-and-eighteenth session, the CERN Council formally finalised the organisation of the European Strategy process by appointing the Physics Preparatory ...
Genève, le 11 octobre 2024. À sa deux cent dix-huitième session, le Conseil du CERN a conclu l'organisation du processus de la stratégie européenne avec la nomination du Groupe préparatoire sur la phy ...
Virtual session to catch presentations that did not make it to the Paris workshop. Contact the relevant conveners if you'd like to present something.
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific ...
Le Grand collisionneur de hadrons à haute luminosité (HL-LHC) augmentera le nombre de collisions afin d'étudier plus en détail les composants fondamentaux de la matière. Présentation du projet de LHC ...