O ChatGPT it may even please us, mere internet users. But there are many companies upset with this new technology, to the point of blocking GPTBot, a robot from OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, which ...
In the province of Minya, in southern Egypt, archaeologists made an Stunning discovery at Tuna El-Gebel necropolis. They unearthed a cemetery that belongs to the New Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt, ...
Mathematics activity, suitable for second and third year students, with questions to identify whether the numbers are greater, less or equal (using mathematical signs ...
DAS Nordregion do Brasil ist mit 45,27% der Landesfläche die größte Region Brasiliens. Es ist das am wenigsten bewohnte des Landes und trägt einen geringeren Prozentsatz zum nationalen BIP und zur ...
Nothing like preparing your own fresh food, with a simple, quick and nutritious recipe. It's a wonderful opportunity to hone your cooking skills, so if you want to learn how to make delicious bread ...
Ever notice that in movies set in campgrounds, there's always that moment where everyone sits around the campfire and listens to a story? But, it's not just any story! They are always tales involving ...
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, addresses verbs in the infinitive. Let's analyze this nominal form in the text that ...
למעשה, יש כמה אמהות שלא יודעות את משמעות המילה גבול. לפני זמן לא רב, המקרה של א אמא שמביישת את בנה באמצעות מיקרופון אומר, כשהוא התחיל ללמוד, כמה הוא אהב אותו מאז שיצא מהבטן. הצעיר, לעומת זאת, לא ...
Everyone likes to earn a little extra money at the end of the month, right? Therefore, throwing things worth a penny in the trash is practically unacceptable. However, most of the time people don't ...
after the central bank launched the second model of real banknotes, the banknotes that became “old” stopped circulating. Among them, there was a note considered special, as it was from a commemorative ...
Elements are the basic building blocks of a painting. In western art they are usually: color, tone, line, shape, space and texture. In general, we tend to agree that there are seven formal elements of ...
A Anatel a stabilit o nouă schimbare către consumatorii cu planuri transportatorul cu plată ulterioară de telefonie. Conform noului ghid, consumatorii acestor servicii care nu-și plătesc facturile vor ...