Roemheld syndrome (RS), also known as Roemheld-Techlenburg-Ceconi-Syndrome or gastric-cardia, is a complex of gastrocardiac symptoms first described by Ludwig von Roemheld (1871–1938). Roemheld ...
The nervous system is a vital component of the entire body, as without it, we would not be able to experience life at all. It is the enabling factor that allows us to feel, interact with, and make ...
It is truly hard to define what personality is in essence as no person is identical from moment to moment. Personality may be described as a habitual tendency to behave, think and feel in a specific ...
Mood disorders (sometimes referred to as affective disorders) are characterized by pervasive emotional states of being that are out of context with daily events. Generally speaking, there are only ...
An accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment plan are paramount for athletes recovering from injuries. Whether amateur or professional, athletes have a lot at stake when it comes to injury recovery. A ...
What exactly is nitrous oxide, and how does it work? Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” has medical roots in dentistry for over a century. It is a colorless and odorless gas inhaled through a mask to ...
As one might expect, anxiety disorders are those characterized by chronic anxiety that has no known cause, a cause that is entirely irrational (i.e., non-threatening stimuli), or that arises ...