One in five teachers and leaders believe pupil behaviour has got worse, while more school workers have reported being bullied, harassed and discriminated against. The findings were revealed today ...
A ‘phonics for maths’ is the right aspiration for government, but why wait to start priming teachers for a number-friendly curriculum A ‘phonics for maths’ is the right aspiration for government, but ...
Schools Week speaks to curriculum review chair Becky Francis as a call for evidence is launched ... Lift Schools chief executive says 'we can't continue to rigidly count hours if we want to be seen as ...
Just 59% of mainstream school parents report that their child with additional needs is well-supported Just 59% of mainstream school parents report that their child with additional needs is ...
Schools pioneering new teams of fewer, but upskilled learning mentors and coaches Schools pioneering new teams of fewer, but upskilled learning mentors and coaches Schools are ditching the traditional ...
Fixing recruitment will require government to face down some unprincipled players and support some dedicated staff on the margins Fixing recruitment will require government to face down some ...
Ark Schools teams up with Hammersmith and Fulham council to turn a run-down playground into a new community Ark Schools teams up with Hammersmith and Fulham council to turn a run-down playground into ...
DfE to conclude review of defunding reforms by December, but Labour accused of ‘betrayal’ amid lack of long-term pause ...
On your marks, INSET, go! The term began with some interesting insights about INSET days from Teacher Tapp, showing a sharp divide among respondents in terms of their perceived value. A lot of work ...
Special unit assembled in DfE to work on Labour's manifesto commitment, but concern grows over speediness of plan Special unit assembled in DfE to work on Labour's manifesto commitment, but concern ...
Around 1 in 25 schools nationally have offered support at some point as part of a hub Around 1 in 25 schools nationally have offered support at some point as part of a hub The last government spent ...