Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka has confirmed the appointment of Fletcher Tabuteau as Chair of the Te Puia New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute (NZMACI) Board.  Mr Tabuteau (Ngāti ...
The Government has announced how $101.7 million in Budget 2024 funding for metro rail networks will be split between Auckland and Wellington to address the maintenance backlog and deliver more ...
Three new members are being appointed to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Board to help ensure it’s focused on bringing value to New Zealanders, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “The trio of new ...
The Government is continuing to stabilise the immigration system by tightening the Migrant Exploitation Protection Work Visa (MEPV). “Despite New Zealand being internationally regarded as a safe, fair ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says construction on a significant expansion to Nelson Hospital’s emergency department marks a major milestone in work to improve services for the local community.  “Next ...
The Government is making changes so that more veterans who have served New Zealand will be formally recognised as part of official Anzac Day commemorations, Veterans Minister Chris Penk and Arts, ...
The Government has today released targeted actions to improve road safety that are focused on increasing road policing and enforcement, targeting the highest contributing factors to fatal crashes, and ...
The Government’s relentless focus on welfare that works and holding job seekers accountable through sanctions saw a year-on-year increase in the number of people moving from benefits into work in the ...