伊万·帕诺夫 (Ivan Panov) 是当代保加利亚雕塑家。从很小的时候起,他就对艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,这促使他参加了家乡当地文化社区中心的绘画、雕塑和设计课程。小学毕业后,他踏上了前往特罗扬 (Troyan) 学习陶瓷的旅程。在那里,在一所五年制专业艺术学校 ...
John Constable était un peintre de l'ère romantique. La plupart de ses tableaux représentent des ciels et des nuages, mais il peint également des chevaux, des portraits et des natures mortes. Son ...
罗梅罗·布里托 1963 年 10 月 6 日出生于巴西累西腓,是一位当代波普艺术家,以充满活力、色彩缤纷的作品而闻名,这些作品融合了立体主义、波普艺术和涂鸦艺术的元素。他的独特风格以大胆的图案、鲜艳的色彩和俏皮的图像为特征,他用这些来传达希望 ...
奥斯卡·穆里略 (Oscar Murillo) 是一位哥伦比亚当代艺术家,他以绘画、装置和表演等多种媒介探索移民、全球化和文化身份而闻名。他的作品曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆和伦敦泰特美术馆等著名博物馆展出。2019 年,他与他人共同获得了特纳奖,巩固了他在国际顶尖 ...
雷内·马格里特(René Magritte,1898-1967)是一位比利时超现实主义艺术家,以其发人深省且神秘的画作而闻名。他因其独特的艺术方法而闻名,这种方法经常涉及在不寻常和梦幻般的环境中并置普通物体。马格里特的作品的特点是对细节的一丝不苟、技巧精确以及 ...
Yaroslav Sobol is an experienced Ukrainian painter with international exposure. With formal training in sculpture and painting, he seeks to combine the classical focus of his education with modern ...
Sanat anlayışımın merkezinde sezginin tanımı yatmaktadır Sezgi; gerçekliği dolaysız olarak içten ya da içeriden kavrayabilme, tanıyıp bilme yetisi. Bu anlayışla boyamalarımda ne kadar aklın veya ...
Berlin City Hall has decided to cut €130 million from the arts and culture budget, a 12% reduction that will severely impact ...
With the end of 2024 just around the corner, it is time to reflect on the artists who made their mark on the year. ArtMajeur, a reference platform for online art, has highlighted the emerging trends ...
When I started experimenting with self-portraiture, I did it purely for introspection. I saw it as a way to look at myself from the outside to understand myself from the inside, and on some occasions, ...
Olieverf op doek gesigneerd BURNETT in de rechterhoek. Het doek moet geschilderd zijn in de jaren 50. Het is in zeer goede staat, omlijst door een zwarte en vergulde houten lijst (uit de jaren 50/60); ...