MotoGP: "Martin deserved the place on the official team. I don't know what changed after Mugello, but it's no use thinking about it now. We have a world title to win, and Jorge is better prepared than ...
SBK: “Con il regolamento di quest’anno si è semplicemente spostato il problema, ma non risolto. Ad Aragon abbiamo parlato con Bautista degli ordini di scuderia e lui ha subito capito” ...
SBK: "With this year's regulations, the problem has simply been shifted, but not solved. In Aragon we talked to Bautista about team orders and he immediately understood." ...
Moto2: "We are having positive discussions and a solution is expected in the short term. Out of respect for China, we will run without logos in the last four rounds of the season." ...