Our department offers postgraduate (third cycle) education in six subjects. Our research environment is international, with several recognised research projects and our staff representing over twenty ...
När du har tackat ja till din plats kan du börja planera dina studier. Bland annat ska du aktivera ditt studentkonto, registrera dig på utbildningen och skaffa kurslitteratur. På Studentportalen ...
På institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori, FLoV, arbetar våra forskare i många internationella, tvärvetenskapliga projekt som rör teoretisk och praktisk filosofi, logik, lingvistik ...
At the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science researchers work on many international, interdisciplinary projects related to Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Logic, ...
Questions and answers regarding the tent manifestation at the university Currently, there is a tent manifestation taking place in Vasaparken. Here you can find information from the university about… ...
Welcome to The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care - GPCC! In person-centred care, patients are seen as persons who are more than their illness. Person-centred care is based on a ...
Nedan finner du länkar till de publikationer som Hantverkslaboratoriet har producerat. Alla publikationer går att ladda ner gratis. De flesta går också att beställa som tryckt bok/skrift. Vill du köpa ...
JMG och Nordicom om starkt public service i gemensamt remissvar Sverige behöver ett starkt och oberoende public service i allmänhetens tjänst, idag och i framtiden. Det är fokuset i JMG:s… Han är en ...
We contribute with research-based knowledge about the conditions for a free knowledge society, a fair and just working life and an equal Nordic Region. We use gender perspectives and power-critical ...
Welcome to the Institute of Medicine, a major hub of health and medical research and education in Sweden. With nearly 470 employees and 300 PhD students, the Institute of Medicine is the largest ...
The Academy of Music and Drama trains and educates composers, music, dance, and drama teachers, musical theatre artists, musicians in many genres, opera-singers, performance artists and actors.
About the University A University for the World - with internationally renowned education and research, the University of Gothenburg takes responsibility for societal development and contributes to a ...