Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) lance un appel urgent aux parties au conflit afin qu’elles respectent le ...
Ситуация на Ближнем Востоке ухудшается, недавняя эскалация насилия затронула жизни огромного числа людей в секторе Газа, ...
For most older people here, and not only here, winter is a real challenge because their pensions are barely enough to support ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 在这个已然饱受粮食不安全状况困扰的地区,成千上万人失去了家园和生计。 “在这一地区,冲突和暴力已经致使成千上万家庭的生活脆弱不堪,这些严重的洪灾又让情况变得更加 ...
Nous aidons les personnes touchées par les conflits armés. Nous fournissons avec diligence et efficacité une protection et une assistance humanitaires aux personnes qui subissent de plein fouet les ...
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been actively delivering direct safety messages to children and teenagers and training teachers to convey these messages to schoolchildren, ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 值此彻底消除核武器国际日之际,非常荣幸能够代表红十字国际委员会和红十字会与红新月会国际联合会在此致辞。 这一国际日令人警醒,我们必须牢记肩负的共同责任:消除这一 ...
While not sufficient in itself, knowledge of IHL is a prerequisite to compliance in and beyond armed conflict. Supporting the teaching of IHL in leading universities is therefore an integral part of ...
Every day in our work, we see the Geneva Conventions in action. As long as conflicts remain a reality, international humanitarian law serves to limit human suffering and protect civilians, aid workers ...
The regional delegation in Pretoria provides and advocates for innovative and sustainable solutions to address the humanitarian consequences of armed violence, migration and other emergencies in ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 这一有关国际人道法的高级别倡议,其总体目标是什么? 该倡议的总体目标首先是在全球、地区和国内层面将国际人道法作为一个政治优先事项。其次,鉴于国际社会迫切需要对 ...
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as elsewhere in the world, the ICRC works according to its principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence. Its role is to protect the lives and ...